Circumcision: A Newborn’s Nightmare
My latest deep dive and advocacy project on the topic of circumcision.
Sparked by a vivid dream—that woke me up in the middle of the night shivering and crying—where I was a witness to a newborn being circumcised.
It was gruesome, profound, and so traumatizing within itself that I knew I had to speak up on the controversial topic. Particularly, now that I am a space holder within the sexual wellness industry.
The mere fact that this topic is “controversial” still continues to blow my mind.
How are we healing within any “wellness” space if we are not talking about the effects of our traumas and pains, especially those that are sexual?
The past six months have consisted of me preparing for this moment by diligently studying the data and researching the effects circumcision has on a baby boy’s mind, body, and spirit.
During recording, you will notice the pain in my eyes and Soul from having had gone through this amount of research. I am raw, real, and very much connected to the painful emotions that penetrated my being for months.
To speak up for the children who cannot speak for themselves is a duty and I do it with pride.
In the series of videos, I go into depth on:
- the origin of circumcision in America
- the procedure and “Can babies really feel pain?”
- effects on the male spiritual body and soul
- the common narratives and trauma based mind control
- theta brain waves and subconscious programming
- effects on mother-infant bonding
- psychological, neurological, and behavioral issues and the repercussions
- effects of circumcision on women
Dedicated to the well-being of our children and the generations to come.
If you would like to simply connect and be supported through your journey I am here with open arms.
Looking for support or interested in removing the spiritual and energetic ties of circumcision?
In December of 2023, I trained within a modality called Soul Rejuvenation®️created by Brenda Pan Tango; this healing creates miracles, wholesomeness, spiritual and physical embodiment, conscious expansion (to name a few) and now comes with the capacity to shift people’s lives even deeper by removing the spiritual wounds that are implanted in circumcision. The case studies are profound and Brenda is nothing short of a genius.
Here is the presentation I walk you through in the series. Please note, this is a very casual document I put together to keep me organized throughout recording. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback you are welcome to contact me directly.