In addition to being the CEO & Creator of E’leurre, Jenna has spent the past decade as an Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher & Registered Yoga School Facilitator, Herbalist, and NLP, Energy Clearing, and Soul Rejuvenation® Practitioner.

Jenna, the CEO and creator of E'Leurre Naturals, is redefining sex and self-pleasure as transformative and healing by celebrating the power of femininity, vulnerability, and beauty.

After healing lifelong, chronic asthma in 2020, Jenna’s trajectory in life shifted when she started asking questions as to why the majority of women she encountered were ashamed of their bodies and sexuality and hated their feminine processes, including herself.

This led to the discovery of her innate potential to heal against allopathic odds and now remains her mission to awaken humanity from the widespread of misinformation and cultural programming that is preventing us from connecting to our natural healing abilities, power, and authenticity.

Through research, product development and creation, dissecting social conditioning and programming, and coaching, Jenna educates individuals holistic practices geared toward awakening personal empowerment, radical self-embodiment and responsibility, and the principles of sexual alchemy.

Jenna is a melting pot of information and is currently a devout advocate against the practice of male genital mutilation, studying sexual trauma and somatics, and offers comprehensive healings to help her clients reconnect to their genitalia, the ultimate source of connecting to our creativity, soul’s purpose and power.

Yoni (Sanskrit): source, womb, a symbol of divine co-creative energy

Yoni (Sanskrit): source, womb, a symbol of divine co-creative energy