An Intro to Sexual Alchemy

Our sexuality is the underbelly of everything that needs to be healed within ourselves. The shattering amount of taboo, shame, and misinformation that lives amongst our culture, healing, coming to own, and being empowered by our sexuality is the most profound work there is. The disempowering and inverted attitudes of social conditioning have interlocked within the tissues of our womb and controlled the overall programming of who we have become.

Whether it has been expressed through trauma enforced violations, genital mutilation, or taking in the negativity projected upon us; it is inevitable. At some level we all carry sexual trauma and/or shame. Since our sexual energy is the essence of who we are, when this shit gets suppressed, our life is extremely impacted. We are not tapping into the reservoir of potential we have as women to live a life where we are deeply connected to our bodies, purpose, and power.

Your Sexual Energy moves beyond our life force. If it’s stuck or repressed it will consequentially affect your life on all levels.

However, if you own and embrace your sexuality, you own and inhabit your fullest potential. You would not bet here if it weren't for sex.

“In the West, sexuality is often referred to derogatory and the sexual organs treated as something dirty and degrading. This attitude creates an array of emotional problems revolving around our sexual nature and relationships in general. If we start to view our sexual energy and organs as sacred, as a source of vital energy, we experience great satisfaction with others and ourselves.”

Mantak Chia

Your vagina is the biggest portal in all of creation on Earth and holds more power than you have ever been told. Read that again.

As women, we have the ability to co-create energy, thought, and ideas into physical form and matter. We are the alchemical vessel containing both elements of the seen and unseen. By freeing ourselves from limiting beliefs and social conditioning, particularly those of the “good-girl” or madonna/whore complex, we get to choose a life that represents who we are at the deepest level. The open invitation right here in this moment is for you to choose to take your power back and rewild yourself into becoming the truest you imaginable that lives a life according to yourself and stops living for others or apologizes for existing.

Harnessing this power within is your birthright.

These natural qualities of women aka these things that are considered “woo-woo”, supernatural, stupid, and/ or bullshit are actually very practical and are our birthright to understand and embody. They are not specially reserved for some and not for others. That is not how we are wired nor how it works! It is not like God, the Creator, Source, whatever you prefer to call it said, “Oh, hey, look Susan gets to have this power and these orgasms but that Samantha over there does not. She isn’t as special as Susan!”

No, no, no, no, no, no!

The belief that this is meant for some but not others is, not only incredibly harmful and disempowering to women but a limiting and dismissive ideology that operates as a degradational tactic so we would end up gaslighting ourselves and our knowing and second guess our biggest power as co-creators who turn the metaphysical into the physical.

All women are orgasmic. All woman can heal themselves. All women can enrich their lives and manifest via their vagina using their Jing, sexual energy.

When we are tapped into our creative sexual energy and embody our femininity we begin to materialize as magical beings who magnetize their desires and co-create a world where we attract more people, relationships, opportunities, money, ideas… you get the picture! So, if you aren’t making babies with this energy, you better believe it can be used to pro-creatively manifest anything into your life. An open, free flowing, and radiating body is communicating to the world, “I am open, receptive, and ready for life and all that I desire.”

The relationship you have with your vagina says everything about the world you are experiencing around you.

When we realize and own this part of ourselves, our innate superpowers activate and miracles begin to happen all around us. Subsequently, we end up loving ourselves more and more through the process thus developing a deeper connection with ourselves and how we want to authentically express who we are to the world. We walk confidently about our day knowing that deep within us exists an immense power to transform anything we touch.

On an energetic level, the Feminine attracts. Think about it: The egg does not go looking for the sperm, instead she waits and draws the sperm to her.


Naked & Uncut: Jenna’s Circumcision Series Recap


Unapologetic Living Podcast, Episode 11, Sex & Soul with Jenna McClelland